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St Joseph’s International Catholic College considers it important that all students conform to appropriate dress standards to instill a sense of pride and meet the expectations of the wider community.

  • The Student Dress Code outlines what constitutes acceptable school uniform.

  • Reinforces in students a pride in their own personal appearance

  • Instils recognition of themselves as an integral part of the school community

  • Assists in developing pride in representing their school

  • It is the responsibility of the Deputy Principals, Heads of Departments, Team Leaders and all classroom teachers in both schools to ensure that students under their care adhere to our school’s student dress code.


The Staff Dress Code has been developed to complement our Students’ Dress Code. Both Codes apply respectively to staff, and relief personnel as well as students in Pre-School to Grade 12 enrolled at this school.


Our school, like any organization, is a brand, it has an image and a reputation that needs to be
promoted and managed. Promoting the image of our school only works if we meet the expectations of our community.


Our uniform is a sign of our community and all children in Prep to Grade 12 are expected to support it. Parents and staff are expected to monitor and maintain the correct wearing of the school uniform and insist on the maintenance of high standards of personal presentation.


Standards of Student Dress and General Appearance


What is to be worn:




  • Girls - knee length brown skort and creamy brown T shirt with college logo

  • Boys - knee length brown shorts and creamy brown T shirt with college logo

  • Black polished, low-cut shoes

  • Plain white socks three quarter length above ankle.

  • Hat - Yellow or white school hat or cap with college badge.


Primary School Students:  Prep to Grade 6


Girls Uniform

  • Brown skort

  • White and brown stripe shirt with St Joseph’s logo on breast pocket.

  • Black polished, low-cut shoes, black flat school shoes for girls

  • Plain white socks three quarter length above ankle

  • Yellow or white hat or cap with St Joseph’s badge

  • Plain white or light grey singlet top may be worn underneath under the uniform blouse

  • Yellow or white school hat with St Joseph’s badge


Sports Physical Education Uniform

  • Brown sports shorts

  • Gold and brown polo T shirt with St Joseph’s badge on it.


Footwear:  Sports shoes and socks

  • Proper sports shoes – joggers or sand shoes.  Any colour.

  • Plain white socks above the ankle

  • Yellow or white school hat with St Joseph’s badge



Boys Uniform 

  • Brown shorts reaching to the knees

  • White and brown stripe shirt with St Joseph’s badge on breast pocket

  • Black polished, low-cut shoes,

  • Yellow or white school hat with St Joseph’s badge

  • Plain white or light grey singlet top may be worn under the uniform shirt



​Sports Physical Education Uniform​

  • Brown sports shorts

  • Gold and brown polo T shirt with St Joseph’s badge on it


Footwear:  Sports shoes and socks​

  • Proper sports shoes – joggers or sand shoes.  Any  colour.

  • Plain white socks above the ankle

  • Yellow or white school hat with St Joseph’s badge




  • School bag – a proper school bag.  No bilums or fancy types of bags are accepted.

    • Waist bag or PNG made bilums are not permitted

  • Yellow/white school hat for both sports and school uniform wear days

  • Sports Wear:  House colour (red, yellow, blue, green) uniform T-shirts  are worn ONLY during inter-house carnival and as advised by sports teachers for each term.

  • School hat/caps:  All school and sports hats and caps must be neat and clean, and graffiti free at all times.  Name of the child is clearly written in one corner.


Secondary School Students:  Grade 7 to Grade 12

Girls Uniform

  • Brown skirts – gr 7 to 12

  • White and brown stripe shirt with St Joseph’s logo on breast pocket.

  • Black low-cut shoes, black flat school shoes for girls

  • Plain white socks three quarter length above ankle

  • Yellow or white school hat and creamy white cap with St Joseph’s badge. Optional for grades 11 & 12

  • Plain white or light grey singlet top may be worn underneath under the uniform blouse

  • School ID


Sports Physical Education Uniform

  • Brown sports shorts reaching the knee

  • Gold and brown polo T shirt with St Joseph’s badge on it

  • Yellow or white school hat and creamy white cap with St Joseph’s badge. Optional for grades 11 & 12


Footwear:  Sports shoes and socks

  • Proper sports shoes – joggers or sand shoes.  Any colour.

  • Plain white socks above the ankle.

  • All school and sports hats and caps must be neat and clean, and graffiti free at all times.  Name of child is clearly written in one corner.



Boys Uniform  

  • Brown long trousers

  • White and brown stripe shirt with St Joseph’s badge on breast pocket

  • Black polished low-cut shoes

  • Plain white socks three quarter length above ankle

  • Yellow or white school hat and creamy white cap with St Joseph’s badge. Optional for grades 11 & 12

  • Plain white or light grey singlet top may be worn under the uniform shirt

  • School ID

  • Jackets or sweaters not allowed except on wet weather.


Sports Physical Education Uniform​

  • Brown sports shorts reaching the knee

  • Gold and brown polo T shirt with St Joseph’s badge on it

  • Yellow or white school hat and creamy white cap with St Joseph’s badge. Optional for grades 11 & 12


​Footwear:  Sports shoes and socks​

  • Proper sports shoes – joggers or sand shoes.  Any colour.

  • Plain white socks above the ankle

  • Yellow or white school hat with St Joseph’s badge

  • All school and sports hats and caps must be neat and clean, and graffiti free at all times.  Name of child is clearly written in one corner.



Hair: Hair must be worn neat, clean and off the face



  • Hair should be well-styled, brushed, neat and clean.

  • Hair should be tied back/held together with a hair band (no fringes), and clipped off the face if the length sits on the shoulder. Yellow, brown or white elastics, ribbons, scrunchies or plain headbands are only to be worn.

  • No fancy hair bands, hair clips eg Cinderella, fairies brand, - but only allowed for approved school activities

  • Artificial colours and highlights are not permitted.

  • Special consideration will be given to cultural requests. This will be at the Principal’s discretion.

  • Wigs or artificial hair not allowed.

  • Long hair must be tied back with a ribbon or an elastic type hair ribbon.

  • ONLY two rows of braided hair for female are allowed.



  • Hair should be short, brushed, neat and clean.

  • If the fringe is below eyebrows, it’s too long.

  • Hair is to be neatly groomed and off the collar.

  • Unruly or uncombed hair is not permitted.

  • Artificial colours and highlights are not permitted.

  • No extreme hair styles such as mullets, ratstails, undercuts, mohawks, extra-long fringes or any other non-conventional style cut, including shaven heads are not allowed. What is natural and conventional is at the discretion of the Principal.

  • Facial hair – beards are not permitted for boys up to and including grade 9.  Year 10 and above may have neat, short beards.

  • Ear rings/studs are not allowed to be worn by boys.




  • It is recommended that no jewellery be worn at school for safety and security reasons. A wristwatch, a necklace with a cross or Christian medal are acceptable.

  • Medic alert bracelets are permitted to be worn.

  • Only one pair of small stud earrings is permitted and worn only on ear lobe for female students and not male students.

  • Makeup and nail polish is not to be worn. Students are not to graffiti or draw on hands or any body part. Students who contravene these rules will be asked to remove the make-up, nail polish or graffiti at school.


At all times, children are expected to be well-presented in their uniform. Uniforms are to be clean, pressed and in good condition. Shoes are to be kept polished and sport shoes kept clean.

Students are expected to take pride in their personal appearance and to be neatly attired.

If the student is unable to wear the correct uniform on a particular day, a note explaining the reason needs to be given to the class teacher on the day.


What must NOT be worn:

  • Singlets or tank tops

  • Board shorts

  • T-shirts with advertising logos, obscenities or graphics

  • Additional decorative jewellery

  • Thongs, any shoes with high heels/platforms, slip on shoes.

  • Cosmetics (make-up)

  • Stick on tattoos or body paint.

  • Jeans and leggings (unless special approval by school principals due to a genuine reason)

  • Nose rings or any body piercing

  • Bangles of any kind/type  (unless special approval by school principals due to a genuine reason)

  • Finger polish on finger nails

  • Scarf of any kind tied around the head, and to tie hair

  • Safety shoes, brown Colorado shoes, brown sandals

  • Fancy, fairy hair clips, head bands, and other types/designs of large hair clips


Mufti-Day Dress Code

On approved mufti-day dress days, students are required to dress appropriately for the day’s program and activities. Details regarding these activities will be available prior to the event. All students are expected to wear decent mufti wear on approved Mufti-Days.   


Footwear -  sandals, sandshoes or proper casual wear shoes.

               What must not be worn:   Thongs/slippers or open footwear are not allowed to be worn on mufti-days.

Hat  -      School hat only.

                What must not be worn:    other hats, caps, any fancy style hats

Female students  - neat and acceptable girls casual  wear – blouse, skirt, midi length shorts.


 What must not be worn by female students:

  • Very short skirts and shorts are not acceptable as mufti wear

  • Midriff and low-cut tops are not acceptable

  • Low riding pants and cut jeans are not acceptable

  • Singlet tops are not acceptable.


  • Only one T-shirt worn and not two T-shirts.


Male students - neat and acceptable boys casual wear – pacific style shirt, neat clean boys’ shirts, shorts, long trousers, sulus,

Hair style - Uncombed hair, braided hair or unusual hair styles, coloured hair are all not acceptable.

Dirty fingernails and polished fingernails are not acceptable.

Stained betel nut teeth is not acceptable at all times.


Written notes in Home Diary from parents

Parents are expected to write a note in the Home Diary if their child is NOT fully attired in the school uniform and/or sports uniform.  The note should indicate the period of time for which the note is valid.  The Home Room Teacher in the Secondary School and the Classroom Teacher in the Primary School acknowledges the note from the parents.



Parents will be notified of student uniform infringements by the class / homeroom teacher. Parents are expected to support the school by correcting the uniform infringement within the week.


Sanctions for non-compliance:

Students in breach of the Dress Code will:

  • Be excluded from incentive excursions/sporting activities/school photographs/graduation ceremony.

  • Grade class / Homeroom teachers will talk to students not complying with our students’ uniform expectations.  Write a note in the diary / email parents informing them of the infringement.

Students who had been warned the third time or who continuously fail to comply with students’ uniform expectations will be referred to the Student Welfare Office & DPA, Secondary School, and to the Deputy Principal, Administration, Primary School.

This Policy supersedes all the relevant section on School Uniform, Footwear, Hair, Mufti Day Rules, in the Secondary Students’ Home Diary and also the section on Uniform and Appearance in the Students’ Pastoral Care Handbook, 2008.



Our college uniforms are available at the below stores:


1. Cherish Lady Boutique - Vision City Mall

Trading hours : 9:00 am - 9:00 pm daily.


2. Baby Care - Waterfront Food World

Trading hours : 9:00 am - 7:30 pm.

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